While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. 他们应许人得以自由,自己却作败坏的奴仆。因为人被谁制伏就是谁的奴仆。
Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience? 我说的良心,不是你的,乃是他的。我这自由,为什么被别人的良心论断呢。
Life, liBerty, and the pursuit of happiness have Been called the inalienaBle rights of man. 生命、自由和追求幸福被称为人类不可剥夺的权利。
Therefore the liberty of man to search for truth ought not to be fettered, no matter what orthodoxies he may challenge.& J. 所以无论人们将要挑战什么正统观点,寻求真理的自由是不应受到限制的。
Life, faculties, production in other words, individuality, liberty, property this is man. 生命、天赋、产品,换名话说个性、自由、财产&这才是人的本质。
In the struggle to end the legalized plunder of statism and to defend individual liberty, how much more could be asked of one man? 在结束以国家的名义合法掠夺和保卫个人自由的斗争中,你还有多少要求?
PROSECUTOR: Without liberty man is a syncope. 检察官:不自由,人就是“行尸走肉”。
Though if I suffer Jesus Christ will give me liberty and in him I shall rise again as a free man. 但是,如果我得遇难,我必将成耶稣基督所释放的人。
The prisoner was given his liberty and allowed to leave the prison. The lawyer got a writ from the judge to release the man wrongly held in jail. 这个犯人获得了自由,被释放出狱。律师得到让被误判入狱的人释放出狱的书面通知。
This paper aims to analyze the awareness of liberty in the psychological inclination of Lan Bing's poems, maintaining it is the very awareness of liberty that led the poet to explore man's psychological world and care about the actual life. 分析了蓝冰诗歌在精神指向上的自由意识,认为正是自由意识引导诗人去探索人的内心世界、关怀现实人生;
Hayek thinks that the liberty is the exploration of the condition of man, under this conditon, the enforced coercion is reduced as much as possible in society. 哈耶克认为,自由是对人的状态的探求,在此状态下,一些人对另一些人所施以的强制在社会中被减至最小,自由是一切价值的条件和渊源。
Reading these works, we find that there are several ideas expressed distinctly, such as contingency of existence, liberty of human being and responsibility of man. 综观这些作品,其中有几个观念是得到突出表现的,那就是存在的偶然性、人的自由和人的责任。
Liberty and equality are two basic values of man's political pursue, which are either connected or distinct. 在人类的政治追求中,自由与平等是两个基本的价值目标。
In order to pursue equal in valuably to be worth of the ideal act as the core to the true to it, and develop with the liberty of man to the most ultimate aim completely. 它以追求真善美等价值理想为核心,以人的自由和全面发展为终极目的。